

Vision - Journey

Searching for a
tropical Shangri-La

How do you define quality of life? What is true luxury?

For us it implies living in an all-year-round tropical warm climate with clean air and abundance of fresh water, spaciousness, closeness to un-spoilt nature and wilderness, physical and mental wellbeing, quiet, peace, and a community of similar-minded people who share an easy-going ‘healthy-holistic’ down-to earth way of life.

The pillars of our ideals seem quite simple; however, they are becoming increasingly rare.

GreenBlues Magical Valley
A place for true nature lovers

A magical place, a place

GreenBlues ForRestFarm is truly a one-of-a-kind destination off the beaten track, and a hide-away for true nature lovers. The 25-hectare (60 acres/150 rai) estate with a diverse vegetation of old growth oil palms, rubber trees, coconut palms, fruit orchards and a large area of on-site native forest, is on three sides – over a distance of almost 2 km – directly bordered by Khao Sok Asian Heritage Park. Three streams fed by springs in the surrounding primary forest provide unlimited supply of pristine unpolluted water. Little natural pools in the streams invite for taking refreshing baths. GreenBlues’ immediate neighbours are inhabitants of ‘the ‘wild side’, the nearby rainforest: Chanting gibbons, croaking hornbills and frogs, giant squirrels, monkeys, langurs, mongoose, wild roosters, eagles, chirping giant cicadas just to name a few. All are members of our local outdoor Big-Band playing and dancing the Khao Sok ForRest Blues; sounds of nature – at times interrupted by the sounds of silence – that are an integral part of living within these virgin surroundings.


Land was never given to us, nor did we produce it. Humans can’t own it! But we can be responsible temporary care takers.

At GreenBlues our focus is on preserving and enhancing the land’s and its surroundings’ existing inherent beauty. Space is a luxury we appreciate, and emphasis is on low density, low impact development. In order to blend in with their surroundings and enhance the aesthetics of the land, a building code will be applied to all man-made structures on the property.

GreenBlues ForRestFarm Wild Nature
GreenBlues One hundered eleven year old durian tree near Chong Lom village


‘Sustainability’ has become a big fashionable buzzword, used and abused by many, understood in its deeper implications by only a few. We must not follow the present all prevailing world-wide fad of jumping on the ‘green bandwagon’ where now even petrol stations turn green. Rather than being a side effect, or worse a vehicle for trendy advertising, contributing to conservation efforts in an honest and meaningful way, at GreenBlues the aspect of environmental responsibility and that of a role model, is an integral component of our conceptualisation and philosophy. Proving that not in spite of, but because of minimal -but creative and unconventional- use of materials and natural resources, can by any means be economically viable, is a challenge we should look forward to and enjoy.